Sunday, May 27, 2012

Initiation: Barbeque

 ...and what did Jared happen to get for his birthday? A grill. A full-on grill that opened up our entire summer menu to deliciousness cooked on the porch.

We celebrated the grill's existence with a barbeque with some friends and family, gourmet hamburgers and sausages.

But we need to back up. We are not professional cooks. We cooks and experimenters. We cook with what ingredients we have on hand and create concoctions that we hope will be pleasing to the palate, then we cross our fingers and feel our mouths water.

Since we've gotten that little introduction out of the way, we can get down to business. Barbeque business.

First, Jared made the slider-sized hamburgers with spices mixed to taste including: coriander, basalmic vinegar, nutmeg, cloves, salt and pepper. He blended the meat with one egg white and half the patties with bleu cheese, half with diced serrano pepper.

 Then we discovered we didn't have any buns. So I made some. I wanted to use some rye flour I had in my freezer, so I made a simple french bread recipe with that change. The subtle rye flavor went especially well with the bleu cheese and horseradish mustard we put in and on our hamburgers.

I've included the simple french bread recipe at the bottom of the post.


Simple French Bread recipe:

In a large bowl dissolve in 2 cups warm water:
1 T yeast
1 T salt
1 T honey or sugar

Add 4 cups flour. Knead until well mixed and form into desired shapes (ie...hamburger or sausage buns...) Cover & let rise in a warm place for 30-60 minutes. Bake at 350 F for 30 minutes or until golden or until the bread sounds hollow when tapped.
For more flavor, add onion powder, garlic or other spices to the dough before mixing. Add sesame seeds to the tops of the buns before baking if desired.

Well, we've gotten you started on creating your own backyard barbeque ideas. Now, it's your turn to host. Let's eatProvo.

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