Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wild Ginger

There's something special about sharing sushi with friends. It's one of those things I love to introduce people to. When you love something you have to share it. Sushi is just that for me, something I love that I want everyone I know to love too. And I will take any excuse I can find to eat it.
One such excuse came tonight. Someone said, "We should get sushi," and everyone else thought it was a great plan. And to make things even better, we realized there was an establishment not too far that we had never tried before. Enter: Wild Ginger.  
They have a chinese menu, but we ignored that and opted for the all you can eat sushi. I was not disappointed. The sushi was great. Not the best I've had, but far from the worst.(The worst sushi I've had involved an angry chef cursing me in japanese. I'll share that story another day.) With the all you can eat, you also get a bowl of soup, which was a huge plus for me. I tried their hot and sour, another favorite of mine, and again, not disappointed. I wish I could suggest specific rolls, but we really didn't look, just checked off rolls that sounded good at the time, although we did have at least one round of their seared tuna nigiri with every pass.
The service was excellent. I don't think my glass was empty once all night. So on the subject of food, it passed in my mind.

And to make things even better for me, one of the guys that came with had never had real sushi before. Every time a friend of mine tries it for the first time I like to be there. to watch the look of apprehension change into one of joy. The first time someone jabs their chopsticks back and forth while nodding and proclaiming the tastiness of a specific roll is always the highlight of my night. Like I said, I want everyone to like what I like. So if you like sushi you might want to give this place a try.
Wild Ginger is located at 366 N University Ave.
And on a side note, I'm always looking for new places to try, so if you have a favorite place leave a comment and I'll check it out. 
Keep on eating Provo.

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