Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wild Ginger

There's something special about sharing sushi with friends. It's one of those things I love to introduce people to. When you love something you have to share it. Sushi is just that for me, something I love that I want everyone I know to love too. And I will take any excuse I can find to eat it.
One such excuse came tonight. Someone said, "We should get sushi," and everyone else thought it was a great plan. And to make things even better, we realized there was an establishment not too far that we had never tried before. Enter: Wild Ginger.  
They have a chinese menu, but we ignored that and opted for the all you can eat sushi. I was not disappointed. The sushi was great. Not the best I've had, but far from the worst.(The worst sushi I've had involved an angry chef cursing me in japanese. I'll share that story another day.) With the all you can eat, you also get a bowl of soup, which was a huge plus for me. I tried their hot and sour, another favorite of mine, and again, not disappointed. I wish I could suggest specific rolls, but we really didn't look, just checked off rolls that sounded good at the time, although we did have at least one round of their seared tuna nigiri with every pass.
The service was excellent. I don't think my glass was empty once all night. So on the subject of food, it passed in my mind.

And to make things even better for me, one of the guys that came with had never had real sushi before. Every time a friend of mine tries it for the first time I like to be there. to watch the look of apprehension change into one of joy. The first time someone jabs their chopsticks back and forth while nodding and proclaiming the tastiness of a specific roll is always the highlight of my night. Like I said, I want everyone to like what I like. So if you like sushi you might want to give this place a try.
Wild Ginger is located at 366 N University Ave.
And on a side note, I'm always looking for new places to try, so if you have a favorite place leave a comment and I'll check it out. 
Keep on eating Provo.

Eat More

Hello Provo,

I like to eat. Hence this blog. As you can tell from previous posts we are here to help you enjoy food as much as we do.With this post I wanted to establish out mission here at eatProvo. It's to eat, and then talk about it. My specialty is restaurants. I am not necessarily a critic, just a food lover that eats out a lot. Probably too much, if I'm being honest. I've lived in the Provo area for a few years now, and I'm only just starting to grasp how many places there are to eat in this city. I have a few favorites I've grown attached to over the years which I will share with all of you, but I will also be visiting establishments I've never tried before.(If you have a favorite, please share, I'm willing to try anything.) 
As you may have noticed, we also taught you how to make a special dessert. The Elusive Carlykins and Jared are going to be sharing some of their home cooked experiments. I doubt I've ever been disappointed with their offerings. I believe here soon we get to hear about their barbecues, which have yet to let me down.
Food is very important. It is the one topic anyone can agree on. And one of the few conversation topics I have a hard time walking away from. Sure, sometimes people have different tastes, but that's not a problem, there is always that one dish they can agree on. People may have no common ground on any subject, but if they both like Italian food, they just talk about pasta and garlic bread and everyone will be civil. This world would be a lot nicer if everyone just talked about food more often.
And not just talk about it. Come on, guys. Let's eatProvo.

Initiation: Barbeque

 ...and what did Jared happen to get for his birthday? A grill. A full-on grill that opened up our entire summer menu to deliciousness cooked on the porch.

We celebrated the grill's existence with a barbeque with some friends and family, gourmet hamburgers and sausages.

But we need to back up. We are not professional cooks. We cooks and experimenters. We cook with what ingredients we have on hand and create concoctions that we hope will be pleasing to the palate, then we cross our fingers and feel our mouths water.

Since we've gotten that little introduction out of the way, we can get down to business. Barbeque business.

First, Jared made the slider-sized hamburgers with spices mixed to taste including: coriander, basalmic vinegar, nutmeg, cloves, salt and pepper. He blended the meat with one egg white and half the patties with bleu cheese, half with diced serrano pepper.

 Then we discovered we didn't have any buns. So I made some. I wanted to use some rye flour I had in my freezer, so I made a simple french bread recipe with that change. The subtle rye flavor went especially well with the bleu cheese and horseradish mustard we put in and on our hamburgers.

I've included the simple french bread recipe at the bottom of the post.


Simple French Bread recipe:

In a large bowl dissolve in 2 cups warm water:
1 T yeast
1 T salt
1 T honey or sugar

Add 4 cups flour. Knead until well mixed and form into desired shapes (ie...hamburger or sausage buns...) Cover & let rise in a warm place for 30-60 minutes. Bake at 350 F for 30 minutes or until golden or until the bread sounds hollow when tapped.
For more flavor, add onion powder, garlic or other spices to the dough before mixing. Add sesame seeds to the tops of the buns before baking if desired.

Well, we've gotten you started on creating your own backyard barbeque ideas. Now, it's your turn to host. Let's eatProvo.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We have to say, writing the first post of a blog is terribly intimidating--it's a blank site that we have the liberty to decorate or pollute. So, let's not judge the post and just talk about food instead. It's a comfortable topic.

Food has to be good enough to eat. ...and that's not a dumb sentence. Some people (*cough--college students and other quasi-adults*) will eat anything. And eating just anything is not fun. Creating & eating good food is fun.

So, let's start simply: one recipe and three ingredients.

Honey Greek yogurt

(+ a mint leaf as a garnish and after-dessert freshener. But that doesn't count as an ingredient because it's not necessary for the delight of the dish.)

We used canned peaches and Zoi Greek yogurt that's found at Winco. May we just say, Zoi is the BEST YOGURT ever. For those of you who need things like this explained, place 3-5 peach slices in a dessert dish then a spoonful-scoop of the Greek yogurt over the peaches. Tap cinnamon over all to your liking.*

*How to tap: hold the spice horizontally over the dish then use your index finger to induce downward pressure to the bottle so that spice will fall--controlled--over your delectable dessert. This is very important! People do not want spice-overdose! Spice overdose=very undesirable.

More to come. And we're going to get a little more complicated.

Let's eatProvo.